diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2009

Email presentation

Hey Sonia.

My girldfriend was next to me when I wrote the e-mail, and she correct me 2 or 3 times about the plural of the atjectives, but someone has scaped to me.
Well, you ask about my dreams... I don't know... I'm a person who every day have one motivation, this motivation can be a grat thing, but it's not necessary, sometimes a little interesting event or a neew piece for my motorbike .
Every time, I thing about my motivations, you can check it in my school table, duryng a time, I draw every day things about SKA music, another time I draw things about my TDR and now I usually draw things about AIRSOFT. Airsoft is a interesting sport that I practice. You'll know a little bit about airsoft in a post that I will do, but I advance a little iformation now: Is a game like paint ball but more ralistic, the gus are exact replicas of the real guns, and they shoots 6mm plastic balls.

Well, I will tell you some things about my TDR.
I thing that my TDR is a so diferent TDR. I do a radio control boat whit oil engine.
So, all my friends says " ouch... thoday I must do TDR", but I'm diferent, I'm every day waiting for a piece for start work and enjoy about my TDR.
Hi Sonia!
I hope that you'r not so angry about my delay.

Well, I start my presentation.

I'm Albert Fusté, I'm from Castelló and I'm the laia's brother.
My hobbies are airsoft, basketball, mountainboard and the RC world. You'll see that I'm going to do some posts in my blog about this things.

Last year I went to the class of people who didn't understand English very well. People hasn't got a good level, for these reason the hours class were so boring and every time we practiced grammar.
In this weeks I have seen that this year the hours class will be so diferent. They will be more practicals.

Well, I hope that this year all things will be better.

See you soon Sonia.


And finally, my bigest motivation, my girlfriend
She's 17, she's from Perelada, she co to school to Figueres and she also plays basketball. Her name's Irene.
We are together since 1 year and 7 months ago.
Although she's from Perelada, we spend all the weekend together and she come at my home one hour every twesday and thhursday.
Last sumer and the another, we work together in festival of Perelada and I can say you that I lived all the sumer in her house xD.

Well, I hope you'll be satisfied about my mail ;)

I add some photos about my replica, my girlfirend and I last friday and my TDR.

see you soon Sonia.

My evaluation

In our oral presentation we used a powerpoint and videos, and we have relacionated the explanation with the resources. So, I think that our mistake is the timing, becouse the presentation only last 10 minutes. Mark: 7'5

Body language and eye contact:
befor I watch the video of the oral exposition, i think that i looked the audience a lot of time, but now I know that I must improve this thing, becouse i maybe don't hold all the attention of the audience. I don't read a lot of time from my notes.
Mark: 7'5

I think that we have doned a very good job with the structure of the exposition. We have organized all the topics and we have introduced them to the audience. In the exposition, we use conectors an markers. We repeat only the most important things for try to help the audience to remember it. Mark: 8'5

We have choised a very interesting topic, because everyone knows the name of Microssoft and Mac, but only a very little part of the class know's something about the Mac opereting sistems and a lot of details. I thing that we have get the audience attention using a opinions, questions and examples. Mark: 8'5

I tryed to introduce some modal verbs and another things to impove my language, and i don't repeat any word during the exposition. I use some fillers like well or for example. Mark: 8

Pronunciation & Intonation:
One problem with the powerpoint have influences in my exposition, and for these reason I have done a interruption.
Well, i know that my pronunciation can improve a lot, and for this reason I'll work to improve it for my next oral exposition. Mark: 7

Final mark: 7'75


dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2009

Surgery new: New robot era in surgery

A NEW era in surgery has begun in Oxford with surgeons using a four-armed robot to perform operations on cancer patients.

It's a so hopeful advance for people who have cancer and it's interesting to see that the technology is helping a lot of people.
I think that a robot can do the same work than a surgeon, but with more precision and without feelings.
The only bad thing that I can see in the robot is people maybe don't like to be operated by a robot for the possibility of have an error.

So, what do you prefer? To be operated by a robot or by a surgeon?

My new: Energizer Bunnies: Turning Rabbits into Green Fuel

Sweden's Tommy Tuvuynger and his team of professional hunters don't have to go far to find their prey. Tuvuynger is employed to keep down rabbit numbers in the Swedish capital, Stockholm. The rabbit population there has exploded over the past few years thanks to owners setting free their pets. Last year the eradication squad killed 6,000 of the furry critters, which are not native to Sweden. When the city started killing the rabbits in 2006, officials realized they would have to dispose of their carcasses. At around the same time, the European Union passed a law that makes it illegal to dispose of raw meat or carcasses in landfills. Solution: use the bunnies as fuel to heat Swedish homes.

Well guys, I think that it's a very interesting and unfair new. On the one hand, I can understand the government, because it's not good to have a lot of rabbits in the city, and if they can't throw away the carcasses, it's not unfair to use them as fuel.
But, on the other hand, I think that it's not rabbits' fault that a lot of people set free their pets.
For this reason, I'm not decided to support any position.

What do you think friends?

My christmas' plans

Hi people, I think that everyone look forward to christmas holidays.
In special, the second of batxillerat students, because in christmas holidays we will have finished the research project. It means that we'll have a lot of time to study and enjoy the holidays.
For this reason, I'm going to talk about my christmas' plans.
On the first days of the first week, I'll try to do a lot of enjoying things, like airsoft games or mountainboard races, and rest. On the finally days of this week, I'll visit some of my friends and I'll go to Barcelona to meet my family.
On the second week, I'll try to do all my homework, stay with my family and think about the new year party, wich will maybe in some disco or Saint Petter Fisherman.
Finally, on the last week, I'll have to study for the chemistry retake exam. Well, I hope I'll only have to study for chemistry.

So...Now you know my plans, I'd like to know something about your christmas' plans.

Bye people.

dimecres, 25 de novembre del 2009

The last basketball match

Well guys, how are you?

Today I'll talk about my last basketball match.The last match was full of incidents.
2 minutes before the starting of the match, we were only 4 people in my team.When we started to play we were only 6 players, for these reason, at the second half of the match we were very tired.
The rivals known that we were tired and they were all the time attacking we, but in one moment, my friend Jaume hits a rival on his head with the elbow. After that, Oriol got angry with an oponent and hits them tot the head with his head, Oriol get disqualified, and Xavi suffered a damage. Then, we were only four players versus five oponents.

Furthermore, when we were four, an oponent disturb my friend Jaume, then, Jaume and I, hited him. For these reason Jaume got desqualified, we were only three players, and David did five foults and also got disqualified. In the court we are only Roger and I, playing versus five players.

Maybe you think that we had increased the points diference, but it doesn't happened, because during the 2 minutes that Roger and I were alone, I have scored two points and the rivals doesnt scored any point.


Well guys, today I'll talk about the airsoft. I'm sure that the most of you doesen't know anything about airsoft. I'll introduce you a little bit about this sport.Airsoft come from USA, and consist in shot to the rivals with a replica of reals guns that shoots 6mm plastic balls. It was a lot of diferent types of games, and also a lot of diferent rolls. You can be a attacker or a snipper. You'll chose a correct roll acording to you personallity. Usually people plays with automatic electric guns (AEG), but the powerfulest snipper guns are manuals.For practice airsfot is no't enough with buy a gun, you must wear a protection glasses and if you want to be more protected you can buy a helmet.A lot of people also wear a camuflage clothes, and if you'r a snipper or your replica is so big, you can take a suport pistol. So, If you have any question about airsoft, I'll answer to you.

Here you can see Jake's replica and my repilca:

Bye people

dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009


Hi people today I'll talk about my Research project. It's one of the most important things in my mind today, because it represent a 10% of my final mark of Batxillerat, and I'm doing it everyday to finish it.My TDR consist in make a radio controled boat with a 30cc 2t engine. It can look so easy, but it must spend a lot of time, because I do the embarkation with fiberglass, and it's so dificult. The most dificult in my TDR is make a right form for the embarkation, because maybe you know a good form, but you must already make it real.One problem thaht i have had is that my boat is so big (1'30 meters long) acording to the radio controled boats in the market, for these reason, i must work with so small pieces, and is so dificult to make a remix with all of them and take a excelent boat.Another problem that I have had, is that the engine is so powerful for the weight of the boat, and I must make aluminium stabilizers and flaps.Well, I haven't finished my TDR, when I finish it, if you want I will talk another time about it.I post some photos of my TDR:

bye people