diumenge, 16 de maig del 2010

Final reflection

- My english progress:

· Here you can see my first post and my final composition: http://skala3.blogspot.com/2008/10/my-e-mail-presentation.html http://albertska9i.blogspot.com/2010/05/barraques-of-figueres.html Well, in general, I have improved a lot my writting. Overcoat I have improved the structure of my posts and I use better connectors.
At the start of BATX I do my posts looking all the time the dictionary and asking to the people how to say something, and I spend a lot of time. Now, maybe I don't make so better posts, but I do it wit more fuelncy.
· Here you can see my first oral expression and my final oral exposition: http://skala3.blogspot.com/2008/11/my-oral-presentation.html http://albertska9i.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-oral-exposition.html I think that my topics are most interesting at the start of batxillerat, because then I write about my favourite things and now I must search strange topics. Well, I don't like to do the comparation with my final oral presentation because I have done it so quickly and I think that it don't represent my final level.

- My English COMPETENCE in 2010:

· I think my best oral exposition is the TDR presentation, ut i haven't the link. In my opinion, this presentation is better than otherones because I speak about a topic which I really love and I like to talk about it, because I'm so proud about my work made during every day of the last year.
· I think my best written evidence is the post about a basketball match: http://albertska9i.blogspot.com/2009/11/well-guys-how-are-you-today-ill-talk.html
I have chose this post because I have used so much my means and I also talk about a interesting topic wich I love and it's speacially exciting when you play a Basketball match 2 players versus 5 players and yo do a great match. I think it's a correct writting and is a little extensive.

My oral exposition

dilluns, 10 de maig del 2010

News: Regal Barça wins the Euroleague!

Yesterday, sunday 8th of may, Regal FCB plays the final of the Euroleague versus Olympiacos Piraeus. Since the first minute, Regal Barça imposed his game style and domineted the scoreboard during all the match. A thing to emphasize is that Lakovic and Jordi Trias only played the 4 finally minutes.
FCB shown all Europe he's dooing an excelent season and nowadays he's the best european basketball team.

dissabte, 8 de maig del 2010

New: F.C. Barcelona wins Sevilla.

Today, Saturday 8th of may, FCB have won a very important match to win the Spanish League. So early, at the 4th minute, Leo Messi scored the first goal. After some minutes, Bojan and Pedro scored a goal.
At the half time, barça team was winning by 0-3, but in five minutes Sevilla scored two goals. Finally, the referee blow the end of the match.
With this victory FCB have a easy way to win the Spanish League.

New: CSKA Moscou vs. Regal Barça in Final Four 2010

Last Friday CSKA Moscou and Regal Barça played a basketball match of the European semifinals. Barça, doing a bad game, could win CSKA in a handy way. At the start of the match, CSKA had dominated scoreboard and Barça was so nervous because their key players didn't have luck with their accions. After ten minuts, Xavi Pascual's boys could take some difference and played much more better.
Although they aren't playing as they could play, at the half time Barça was winning with nine point of difference. Finally, two teams had been neck to neck and Barça won the first match of Final Four 2010 by 64 - 54.

On Sunday, Barça will play vs. Olympiacos.

divendres, 7 de maig del 2010

A letter to my parents

Dear mum and dad, 26-03-10

Hi, I hope you are fine. I think you might be a little bit worried about me and my situation in Cameroon. For this reason I write this letter to you.
Obviously I'm not so fine like at home with you and all my friends, but here I see a lot of difficult cases and I acquire a lot of expirience.
African people is very extroverted and give us all what we need. We live in a separeted house because there are a lot of animals and dangerous mosquitoes.
Well, I want to see you soon.
See you next month.

Lovingly Albert.

Barraques of Figueres

Hi students!
I hope the word Barraques will get you a little bit less under stress jeje
Well... I really don't think it, because there are only two barraques weekends, and the first it rained all the day and all the night, and for this reason a lot of us didn't go to barraques last weekend, and this weekend... I wont to talk about this weekend... I think we can't go to barraques because as I have sayed in the other post, this week we have a lot of exams.
Then, I can say that in my opinion, this year the barraques are so odious, because I want to go but I know I can't go...
Now I show you some happy photos of good years in barraques: