diumenge, 16 de maig del 2010

Final reflection

- My english progress:

· Here you can see my first post and my final composition: http://skala3.blogspot.com/2008/10/my-e-mail-presentation.html http://albertska9i.blogspot.com/2010/05/barraques-of-figueres.html Well, in general, I have improved a lot my writting. Overcoat I have improved the structure of my posts and I use better connectors.
At the start of BATX I do my posts looking all the time the dictionary and asking to the people how to say something, and I spend a lot of time. Now, maybe I don't make so better posts, but I do it wit more fuelncy.
· Here you can see my first oral expression and my final oral exposition: http://skala3.blogspot.com/2008/11/my-oral-presentation.html http://albertska9i.blogspot.com/2010/05/my-oral-exposition.html I think that my topics are most interesting at the start of batxillerat, because then I write about my favourite things and now I must search strange topics. Well, I don't like to do the comparation with my final oral presentation because I have done it so quickly and I think that it don't represent my final level.

- My English COMPETENCE in 2010:

· I think my best oral exposition is the TDR presentation, ut i haven't the link. In my opinion, this presentation is better than otherones because I speak about a topic which I really love and I like to talk about it, because I'm so proud about my work made during every day of the last year.
· I think my best written evidence is the post about a basketball match: http://albertska9i.blogspot.com/2009/11/well-guys-how-are-you-today-ill-talk.html
I have chose this post because I have used so much my means and I also talk about a interesting topic wich I love and it's speacially exciting when you play a Basketball match 2 players versus 5 players and yo do a great match. I think it's a correct writting and is a little extensive.