divendres, 7 de maig del 2010

Barraques of Figueres

Hi students!
I hope the word Barraques will get you a little bit less under stress jeje
Well... I really don't think it, because there are only two barraques weekends, and the first it rained all the day and all the night, and for this reason a lot of us didn't go to barraques last weekend, and this weekend... I wont to talk about this weekend... I think we can't go to barraques because as I have sayed in the other post, this week we have a lot of exams.
Then, I can say that in my opinion, this year the barraques are so odious, because I want to go but I know I can't go...
Now I show you some happy photos of good years in barraques:

1 comentari:

get rich or die trying ha dit...

Albert, I don't forget to talk about you. Thanks for your comment. As you said, we will celebrate our recent exit even though I don't arrive to the mark that I want. Well good luck in techno and see you today in punt de trobada??? byee ;)